Lately, I've been loving preparing my meals the night before so I can grab and go in the morning. My current favorite routine is cutting up a few of my favorite fruits and putting them in a mason jar so when I'm on the go, I can grab it and run out of the door. I rotate what fruits I'm craving for the week and it's been pretty delicious. Not to mention it looks pretty cute and rustic chic in my little mason jar! Here are some pictures showing what I like to do. It's very easy.
First I grab some blueberries, strawberries and a green apple. I cut them all up and then I layer them. I've been putting the strawberries on the bottom because I love to eat them last, since strawberries are my favorite fruit. Then I add the green apple and lastly the blueberries but you can do any order or even mix them all in together and make a true fruit salad. Afterwards, I squeeze some lemon juice over the top so the apple doesn't brown over night and then I seal it and stick it in the fridge! So simple! I hope you enjoy this as much as I have!